Friday, October 27, 2006

Bea Joins a Girls' Club

"Dear Caroline and girls:

Here comes a new member to your exclusive society. And please, Caroline, isn’t your scrap basket being filled fast enough without adding this scrap of paper to it? If you publish this letter, I will … well, dance a jig.

Say, girls, have any of you tried homemade beauty clays to improve your complexion? I have one on now. I look as if I came from a convalescent ward. Maybe some of you would care to try? This is how to make it. Take

3 Tablespoonfuls of Fuller’s Earth
3 drops of Benzoin

Add Witch Hazel and mix to a paste. Put this on the face with cheesecloth over it. Keep this on for forty minutes. Don’t giggle, or wiggle. Let your friends see you and they will have a good laugh. The clay works wonders.

I am, Checkers

P.S. If this name is taken, I’ll choose another."

Belleville, Montclair, New York, Washington DC, New York, Hanover NH, Kent CT, New York, Washington DC, Wellfleet: Although Bea moved ten times during her life, she kept this scrap of paper among her belongings, admission to the Club of Life she enjoyed so thoroughly ...


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