Friday, June 02, 2006

Bea’s Books (2)

Bea sleeps all day.

On the library shelf, I spy another one of her books, "Paris" by Zola.

I open to the first page. On the left, Bea has provided a brief bio from the Encyclopedia Britannica. On the right are the words, “It is my hope that my daughter will someday read this book and find in it knowledge that will only strengthen her and my French descendents. The message is not for France only. Beatrice Grabbe, Wellfleet, 11/12/74.”

The first page bears the following note: “This deliciously ridiculous dated preface only goes to prove that books don’t care who translates them, even a fin-de-siecle WASP.” The preface is dated Feb. 5, 1898. Bea has added, “4 years and 10 days before the birth of Paul Grabbe.”


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